​​ Individual Expressive Arts Therapy Sessions
Format: Online or Face-to-face
Duration: 1:15 a.m. to 1:30 a.m.
Frequency: The sessions are every 15 or 1 time a month, depending on what each person needs.
More information: Expressive Arts Therapy
Value in Argentina: $7,000 per session.
Value in other countries: Ask us here
It's good to make sure you get with time. If it is online, make sure you have the materials on hand for use and be ready 10 minutes before.
To reserve a shift write to us and we will explain how to do it and what are the necessary materials in case it is an online format.
24 hours prior to the session at no cost. Same day half the value of the session is paid.
Way to pay ​​
Data for deposit or transfer
Account holder:
Carola Terreni
Santander Rio Bank
CBU: 0720207288000036245222
For residents in other countries:
Group Workshops
They can be online or face-to-face
value is announced when the workshop takes place